Singapore Casino Levy Rules

Singapore initially introduced the charges to deter locals from gambling. 'The daily and annual entry levies serve to deter casual and impulse gambling by locals and are part of a holistic suite of social safeguards,' Ms Teo said. 'Between 2010 and 2018, the number of local visitors to the casinos declined by 50 per cent.' From today, the daily casino entry fee for Singapore permanent residents (PRs) and citizens will go up by 50 per cent to $150 and the annual fee, from $2,000 to $3,000. The Government will also set.

Singapore Casino Levy

Non-residents are not required to purchase entry levy to enter the casino. However, it is a statutory requirement for non-residents to present either of the following identification documents before entering the casino :

Singapore Casino Levy Rules List

a. Foreign passport with any of the following :
i. Short-term immigration pass (Note: This category includes group passports with the particulars and photo graph of each member on the group);
ii. Long-term visit pass without photograph identification;
iii. Student pass without photograph identification;
iv. Notification of cancellation of student’s pass, visit pass and embarkation form issued by the ICA;
v. Notification letter issued by the Ministry of Manpower allowing the person named in the letter to work and stay in Singapore until issuance of his/her work pass card;
vi. Immigration (Exemption) Order (‘IEO’) stamp of the ICA (in the foreign passport); or
vii. Multiple Journey Visit Pass (MJVP) or Multiple Journey Pass (MJP) stamp issued by the ICA;

b. Long-term visit pass with photograph identification;

c. Student pass with photograph identification;


d. Work pass;

e. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Identification Cards issued to Diplomats in Foreign Embassies and Professional Staff in International Organizations;

f. Special pass with photograph identification issued by the Ministry of Manpower or the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority;

Singapore Casino Levy Rules List

g. Dependant's Pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower;

Singapore casino levyRules

h. Certificate of Identity issued by a foreign government (or equivalent); or

Singapore Casino Levy Rules 2020

i. Foreign seafarer travel document issued by a foreign government with a short-term immigration pass or a long-term visit pass.