Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling

  1. Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Winnings
  2. Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Losses
  3. Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Addiction
  4. Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Problem

Gambling Harm Minimisation Campaign


Harm minimisation measures in gambling venues 4 present, there is considerable harm associated with gambling, which significantly reduces the net benefit. Reducing or eliminating harm will allow the net benefits of gambling to increase accordingly. The report, published today, looks at the gambling harm minimisation outcomes that have been achieved since the passing of the Gambling Act in 2003, and the associated harm minimisation activities by the gambling sector, which have been guided by successive Ministry of Health integrated gambling harm minimisation strategies and service plans. Harm-minimisation (reduction) tips for gamblers. Here is some simple advice, if you are gambling: Only bet in a bricks-and-mortar ‘bookies’ shop or casino.

It is estimated that under 5% of Australian adults experience moderate to severe problems caused by excessive gambling with a flow on effect impacting their significant others. Studies also show that only a small number of problem gamblers seek formal help and help seeking is often a last resort after experiencing significant negative consequences.

Harm minimisation problem gambling losses

As a result, the gambling industry is now expected to take a greater role in responding to problem gambling behaviour in venues. The Gambling Harm Minimisation Campaign was created after research demonstrated the influence gaming venues can have when they identify potential gambling harm, prevent that harm from occurring, and offer referrals to gambling help services.

Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling

You will see resources such as posters, a brochure and a wallet card at your local venue.

What is the goal of the campaign?

The campaign has a dual focus:

  • Inform venue staff of their role in minimizing the potential gambling harm of gaming patrons.
  • Educate gaming patrons that venue staff can assist to manage potential problem gambling behaviour.

What are some of the key messages of the campaign?

  • “Please don’t be offended if we ask about your gambling. It’s part of our role”
  • “Are you spending more on the pokies than you wanted?”

Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Winnings

The above messaging will be used on the collateral in conjunction with call to action information to encourage individuals experiencing gambling problems to speak to venue staff, contact the Gambling Helpline or visit the Gambling Help Online website if they are experiencing problems.

Why adapt this material?

Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Losses

This concept of the collateral was chosen for adaption in South Australia as a similar campaign was successfully implemented by the New Zealand Health Promotion Agency. Evidence from New Zealand’s ‘Choice not Chance’ in-venue campaign showed an increased confidence in gaming venue staff to approach patrons who demonstrated problematic gambling behaviour. In-venue messaging is also a requirement of the Responsible Gambling Codes of Practice.

Who did you work with to create this?

This campaign is a joint initiative between the Office for Problem Gambling and Consumer Business Services. We are appreciative of New Zealand for their cooperation and support. As always, we have been consulting and collaborating with our industry partners throughout the process to ensure the campaign is widely supported.

When will this be happening?

The campaign will be rolling out to venues across South Australia throughout the first quarter of 2018.

Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Addiction

What is next?

Harm Minimisation Problem Gambling Problem

Once the initial roll out has been completed, the next phase of the campaign will begin. The collateral will be further developed to target culturally and linguistically diverse individuals. To see more about this, please visit here.